Our story unfolds in Saylia, within the enchanted realm of Aurorise. For ages, a formidable barrier shielded Aurorise from the turmoil that plagued Saylia. The Order of Tuttle, under the guidance of Archmage Valeria Stormweaver, diligently protected the kingdom. However, disturbances in the magical ley lines have recently weakened this barrier, endangering the kingdom.
To safeguard Aurorise, Stormweaver tasks her trusted General, Alden Stoneguard, with exploring the Whispering Woods for any traces of magic. Deep within the forest, our adventurers find themselves in a predicament. General Stoneguard spots a shimmering flicker hovering above a ring of exquisite flowers in a clearing. As they cautiously advance, grasping weeds and vines ensnare them.
Osmo is a Tortle Wizard. He is on General Stoneguard's expedition as punishment for speaking out against Archmage Stormweaver. Aldabra feels strongly that ignoring the outside world is a mistake and is urging others to look beyond the shores of Aurorise.
Dusty is a Fairy Druid. She was always different from the other fairies in the Atlassian Grove. Dusty felt a deep connection with nature that went beyond surface level beauty. From a young age, she found herself drawn to the ancient whispers of the wind and the mysterious melodies of the forest creatures.
Bianca is a Harengon Fighter. As a child, Bianca was orphaned during a flood that ravaged her village, leaving only destruction and despair in its wake. Taken under the wing of General Stoneguard, she trained tirelessly to become one of the kingdom's most skilled soldiers.
Aurorise: Situated as an isolated island kingdom, Aurorise stands apart from the tumultuous conflicts that plague the neighboring kingdoms. The island is known for its serene landscapes, lush forests, and a population that values independence and cultural preservation. Aurorise maintains a strict policy of neutrality, avoiding entanglements in the wars that ravage the mainland. Its people are skilled mages, artisans and hunters, known for their intricate crafts and rich cultural heritage.
Vatlore: Known for its bureaucratic structure and opulent cities, Vatlore is a kingdom where wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few elite families. The kingdom is characterized by its grand architecture, bustling trade markets, and a highly organized governmental system. Vatlore is also deeply religious, with temples and shrines dedicated to various deities scattered throughout its cities. The clergy holds significant influence, shaping both political and social affairs. Despite its internal stability, Vatlore often engages in diplomatic maneuvers and occasional skirmishes with neighboring kingdoms to secure its interests.
Ceston: Unlike the static kingdoms on the mainland, Ceston’s people are nomadic fisherfolk who lead a unique way of life on the open seas. They traverse the ocean on elaborate fleets of interconnected barges and floating cities, forming a decentralized society with few fixed settlements on land. Ceston’s culture revolves around the bounty of the sea, and its people are adept navigators and traders, renowned for their maritime skills and vibrant traditions.
Narthish: Located in the coldest reaches of Saylia, Narthish is a kingdom of icy tundras and frozen landscapes. Despite its harsh environment, Narthish has thrived by harnessing its technological prowess, particularly in technologies that utilize cold and ice for power. The kingdom is renowned for its advancements in cryomancy, frostforging, and other forms of ice-based magic and technology. Narthish is home to ingenious inventors, engineers, and scholars who have developed unique methods to thrive in the cold climate and utilize it to their advantage. The kingdom maintains a formidable military force equipped with ice-powered weaponry and defenses, making it a formidable adversary in both defense and offense.
Glassland: Once a land of great beauty with towering mountains and fertile valleys, Glassland now lies devastated by centuries of unrelenting warfare. The kingdom is the main antagonist in the ongoing conflicts with its neighboring kingdoms on the same continent. The landscape is scarred by battles, with shattered fortresses and ruined cities dotting the rugged terrain. Despite its war-torn state, Glassland is formidable, known for its strategic prowess and hardened warriors who fight fiercely to expand their territory.
All Saylian Races are taken from
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